The Top 10 Ways to Sell ALL Your Slime!


  1. Be creative with how you present your Slime. Now would be a great time to update your containers and labels into a new style that will catch the eyes of your buyers. Even a small touch like placing your Slime in an organza bag with a cute tag will make buyers feel like your Slime is special. If your budget is tight, try printing labels at home and using the free services of Avery online printing to try and dress up your labels. Cutting fabric squares and attaching it to the top of your jar with twine is also another great way to be different. A little extra effort goes a long way!
  2. Don’t be afraid of sniff testers! And if your super brave the “touch tester”. Every time we walk into any famous soap or candle store the first thing we do is open the product to smell the scent. Scent is a powerful selling tool and should be used to help engage the customer’s senses so they want to buy your product. If you want to minimize the chaos and keep the process clean and orderly, consider only placing a very small sniff/touch tester out for display.
  3. Booth! Booth! Booth! Ask yourself, why would a buyer want to stop at my booth? What can you do better to help make your booth truly unique. Don’t be afraid to be flashy and different. You need to give your buyer a reason to stop. If you are offering a sale of some sort, make sure you advertise that in a big and bold way.

    Please check out this Kawaii Slime Company curated list of awesome items to decorate your booth space with: Recommended Products
  4. Call to Action. It’s always great to give your buyer a good reason to stop. Maybe entice them with a coupon or a special promotion. Or offer your buyer a special coupon code for a future purchase in exchange for an email sign up. They may not be a buyer today but they could be tomorrow. Even if they don’t purchase, smile and hand them your business card. 
  5. Pricing. The #1 thing we noticed at our first Slime convention was the price point of buyers. Most buyers have a budget and they spread it out with as many sellers as possible. Because of this, having some items in a lower range is always helpful. Make sure you price yourself correctly so you make profit but also remember to have some smaller ticket items at your booth in the $1-9 range to appeal to the buyers who are looking for under $10.
  6. Budget. Set one for your expenses, like travel and booth costs. And make sure you do a proper cost analysis of your products so you know how much you need to sell to break even. Based on these figures you will get a better understanding of how much Slime to bring in order for this to be a fiscally successful event. If you are younger, reach out to an adult so they can help you with these figures. 
  7. Plan accordingly. If you are traveling out of state make sure you don’t bring more than you think you will sell. If you are driving to us and can take Slime home then you might consider bringing a bit more than you anticipated. Based off what we have heard from others, smaller sellers do best bringing 50-150 Slimes and larger sellers typically bring 200+. Unfortunately we cannot advise you on exactly how much Slime to bring because this will depend on a number of factors and varies wildly from seller to seller. The best way to determine this is to reach out to a similar seller on IG and ask for their advice.

    Please checkout our Slime Convention Checklist here
    Please checkout our Inventory Tracking Sheet here
  8. Promote your attendance! Tell everyone you know about ALL the great Slime you will have for sale and ALL the reasons why they should buy it. Don’t be afraid to use the power of persuasion. Remind them that you will only have a “limited stock” of your best selling Slime for purchase, or tell them about the rare blended scent you used in your newest Slime creation or all the awesome things that make your Slime products stand out from the rest. 
  9. Thank your buyer. After the sale make sure you leave them something to remember you by. Have an extra’s bag, a handwritten card or even a piece of candy. And even more important, make sure you include where they can find your Slime so they can buy more of your product at a later date. When your buyer returns home, that little extra touch will really leave a lasting impression.
  10. Don’t sell yourself short. Remember, no matter how much you sell, there is nothing more important or rewarding than learning these life experiences especially at a younger age. These experiences will help prepare you for your path to entrepreneurship. And even if you sell just a few Slimes or you completely sell out, there is always room for improvement. View this as an great opportunity to learn and grow and also remember to have FUN!